%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ combobutton.js Creates a combobutton, which is a multi-functional button. It enables user to specify a callback action to be performed when it is clicked. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Combobutton() Creates a combobutton. Its main div is accessible as OAT.Combobutton::div. ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Combobutton::addOption(imagePath, textValue, callback) Adds a new option, described as textValue with image located at imagePath. When this option is clicked, callback is called. ---+++ OAT.Combobutton::removeOption(index) Removes index-th option. ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .combo_button CSS class of the button options list. ---+++ .combo_image CSS class of the dropdown clicker image. ---+++ .combo_button_option CSS class of the button option div. ---+++ .combo_button_text CSS class of the div with textual description of the option. ---+++ .combo_button_down CSS class that is added/removed to option whenever the button is clicked/released. ---++ Example var cb = new OAT.Combobutton(); document.body.appendChild( cb.div ); cb.addOption("img1.gif", "option 1", function(){}); cb.addOption("img2.gif", "option 2", function(){}); cb.removeOption(0); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource