---+ calendar.js
Displays a calendar for date picking.
---++ Objects
---+++ OAT.Calendar(optObj)
Instantiates the OAT.Calendarobject.optObj may contain:
* popup- bool; should clicking anywhere close the calendar? (default: false)
---++ Methods
---+++ OAT.Calendar::show(x, y, callback, [date])
Shows the calendar. It will appear at [x, y]. If date is specified, it will be pre-selected. All dates are in form of [year, month, day], starting from 1. When user selects a date, a callback(date) will be called.
---++ Properties
---+++ OAT.Calendar.dayNames
array of 7 day names
---+++ OAT.Calendar.monthNames
array of 12 month names
---+++ OAT.Calendar.specialDays
array specifying which days should be special (weekends)
---+++ OAT.Calendar.weekStartIndex
index of day (in OAT.Calendar.dayNames) when week starts
---+++ OAT.Calendar.dayZeroIndex
index of day (in OAT.Calendar.dayNames) for which Date::getDay() returns 0, i.e., "Sun".
---++ CSS classes
---+++ .calendar
CSS class of calendar div.
---+++ .calendar_selected
CSS class of previously selected day.
---+++ .calendar_special
CSS class of special days, e.g., Sundays, holidays.
---+++ .calendar_year
CSS class of div containing the year title and selection.
---+++ .calendar_month
CSS class of div containing the month title and selection.
---++ Example
var c = new OAT.Calendar();
c.dayNames = ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"];
c.monthNames = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
c.specialDays = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1];
c.dayZeroIndex = 6;
c.weekStartIndex = 6;
c.show(100, 100, function(){});
CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryDocumentation