%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ barchart.js Library for drawing bar charts, using HTML DOM. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.BarChart(div, optObj) Creates a Bar Chart inside div; optObj describes its properties. optObj values: * *percentage* - bool; is it a percentage plot? * *spacing* - int; spacing between columns * *paddingLeft* ,*paddingBottom* ,*paddingTop* * *width* - int; width of one column * *colors* - array of CSS colors, one for each value set * *border* - bool; outline each column? * *grid* - bool; show horizontal grid lines? * *gridDesc* - bool; show description of lines? * *gridNum* - int; approximate number of lines * *shadow* - bool; draw shadow for columns? * *shadowColor* - CSS color * *shadowOffset* - int; distance between column and its shadow ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.BarChart::attachData(dataArray) Adds data to chart. Each value of dataArray describes one column; each column may consist of multiple values. In such case, dataArray is an array of arrays. ---+++ OAT.BarChart::attachTextX(textArray) Adds horizontal labels. ---+++ OAT.BarChart::attachTextY(textArray) Adds vertical labels. ---+++ OAT.BarChart::draw() Draws the chart. ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .legend CSS class of legend div. ---+++ .legend_box CSS class of boxes with bar color, positioned left from the value description text. ---+++ .textX CSS class of X axis description. ---+++ .textY CSS class of Y axis description. ---++ Example var chart = new OAT.BarChart("myDiv",{}); chart.attachData([1,3,2]); chart.attachTextX(["a","b","c"]); chart.draw(); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource