%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ anchor.js Enhanced Anchor tag. %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.Anchor.assign(anchor, options) Modifies anchor element so it acts like Enhanced Anchor: when activated, it displays some additional data in lookup bubble. The lookup bubble is an instance of [[OATDOCwin][OAT.Win]] object - so it can be styled the same way: use predefined OAT.Winstyles or use its own via template. Options are the following: * *href* - String, url of requested data. When false,anchor inherits this value from the href attribute. * *connection* - OAT.Connection object * *datasource* -OAT.DataSource object * *result_control* - "grid", "timeline" or "form". Default is grid. Use false for common window. * *content* - node to be inserted (for example,OAT.Dom.text() can be used for raw text). * *status* - string to be inserted into status line * *title* - string to be in the title area of the window * *activation* - "hover", "click", "dblclick" or "focus" * *width* ,*height* - dimensions of lookup window (false is like 'auto' in CSS) * *elm* - anchor node (use when other than current) * *newHref* - new 'href' attribute of theanchor, defaults to 'javascript:void(0)' * *type* - Window style type (default OAT.WinData.RECT). (See [[OATDOCwin][OAT.Win]] for other types.) * *template* - custom type data. (See [[OATDOCwin][OAT.Win]] for details.) * *visibleButtons* - default "cr". (See [[OATDOCwin][OAT.Win]] for details.) * *enabledButtons* - default "cr". (See [[OATDOCwin][OAT.Win]] for details.) ---+++ OAT.Anchor.close(element, recursive) Closes selected a++ window. The main point of this method is that it can be called from anywhere, so we do not have to use the close button of the window itself. * *element* - any element inside the a++ or the a++ container itself. * *recursive* - (optional) if the anchor is inside of another window, close all parents recursively. ---++ Example var options = { title:"Title text", content:OAT.Dom.text("Content text"), status:"Status text", result_control:false, activation: "hover", type:OAT.WinData.TYPE_MAC } OAT.Anchor.assign("elementID", options); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource