%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ ajax2.js Provides basic Asynchronous XML (AJAX) routines. (also see [[OATDOCsoap][soap.js]] for simplified SOAP routines.) THIS IS THE NEW API VERSION. YOU CAN STILL USE THE OLD ONE ( ajax.js ), BUT IT IS OBSOLETE AND UNSUPPORTED. YOU SHOULD SWITCH TO THIS INTERFACE ASAP. %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.AJAX.[METHOD](url, data, callback, options) Sends an HTTP request to a pageurl. Valid METHOD names are: * GET * POST * SOAP * PUT * MKCOL * PROPFIND * PROPPATCH Data to be contained in request are specified in data. When response arrives,callback(response)will be executed. You may specify the following options: * type - response format, one ofTYPE_constants * auth - authorization type, one ofAUTH_constants * async - bool * noSecurityCookie - bool, forbids sending a security cookie & corresponding GET parameter * user ,password - credentials for http authorization * headers - JS object containing additional headers to be sent * onerror - callback to be executed when error occurs * onstart - callback to be executed when call launches * onend - callback to be executed when call finishes, regardless of success or error condition To prevent JavaScript hijacking attacks, web application authors are encouraged to use some of OAT's built-in countermeasures . ---+++ OAT.AJAX.abortAll() Cancels all pending requests. ---++ Properties ---+++ OAT.AJAX.startRef Function to be executed when a request is being sent. ---+++ OAT.AJAX.endRef Function to be executed when all requests are satisfied (or canceled). ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.AJAX.AUTH_NONE When auth option of request is set to this constant, no authentication will be performed. ---+++ OAT.AJAX.AUTH_BASIC When auth option of request is set to this constant, request header with authentication data will be appended using auth basic scheme (as described in [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt][rfc2617]] ). ---+++ OAT.AJAX.AUTH_DIGEST Auth digest scheme is not yet supported. ---+++ OAT.AJAX.TYPE_TEXT When type option of request is set to this value, request will be returned as plain text. ---+++ OAT.AJAX.TYPE_XML When type option of request is set to this value, request will be returned as XML document. ---++ Messages ---+++ OAT.MSG.AJAX_START When AJAX request is sent, OAT emits this message containing URL of the request and appropriate message code. ---+++ OAT.MSG.AJAX_ERROR When AJAX request is unsuccessful, OAT emits this message containing request object and appropriate message code. ---++ Example var options = { user:"username", password:"top_secret", auth:OAT.AJAX.AUTH_BASIC, onerror:function(request) { alert(request.getStatus()); } } var callback = function(data) { alert(data); }; OAT.AJAX.GET("/myfile.xml", false, callback, options); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource