OAT Documentation
OAT Conceptual Overview
- ajax2.js - Provides basic Asynchronous XML call (AJAX) routines.
- anchor.js - Enhanced Anchor tag.
- animation.js - Implements basic animation framework, as well as some pre-defined animation effects.
- barchart.js - Library for drawing Bar charts, using HTML DOM.
- bezier.js - Provides two mathematical functions for drawing Bezier curves.
- calendar.js - Displays a calendar for date picking.
- color.js - Displays a color picker.
- combobox.js - Creates a combobox, an enhanced select which allows richer options.
- combobutton.js - Creates a multifunctional button, which enables user to specify a callback action to be performed when it is clicked.
- combolist.js - Creates a combolist, select with additional possibility of direct user input.
- connection.js - Connection object for data access.
- crypto.js - Provides cryptographic (hashing) functions.
- datasource.js - An Ajax Database Connectivity (ADBC) layer.
- dav.js - Displays a WebDavBrowser? window for file picking/opening/saving.
- dialog.js - Simple wrapper for ok/cancel dialog, that can contain any data.
- dimmer.js - Shows an object while dimming others, i.e., a Lightbox effect.
- dock.js - Creates a draggable system of docking elements, grouped into columns.
- drag.js - Provides dragging (moving) capability for any DOM node.
- fisheye.js - Creates Mac-like dock.
- fresnel.js - Fresnel Lens RDF Processor.
- ghostdrag.js - Provides drag'n'drop functionality.
- graphsvg.js - SVG-based RDF Graph viewer.
- grid.js - Advanced grid (table) control.
- instant.js - Provides pop-up functionality to any element.
- json.js - Implements two crucial JSON functions - parse and stringify.
- keyboard.js - Keyboard events and shortcut handling.
- layers.js - Generic z-index manager.
- linechart.js - Library for drawing Line charts, using SVG.
- loader.js - This is the basic library.
Can be considered a toolkit on its own, as it provides many useful functions and shortcuts.
- map.js - Abstract API atop various mapping providers.
- menu.js - Pop-up menu control.
- n3.js - N3/Turtle parser.
- notify.js - Provides API for informative notification boxes.
- panelbar.js - Panelbar widget (like mozilla sidebar).
- piechart.js - Library for drawing Pie charts, using SVG.
- pivot.js - Advanced interactive Pivot table.
- quickedit.js - Provides edit-in-place functionality.
- rdf.js - RDF/XML parser.
- rdfbrowser.js - Multi-purpose RDF Browser.
- rdfstore.js - Client-side RDF store.
- rdftabs.js - Tabs API for OAT RDF applications.
- resize.js - Provides resizing capability for any DOM node.
- rotator.js - Creates a set of 'rotating' elements, which are cyclically displayed in an infinite fashion (1, 2, 3, 1, 2 ...).
- rssreader.js - RSS Feed reader supporting both RSS and RDF feeds.
- simplefx.js - Simple eye-candy effects: shadows, rounding etc.
- soap.js - Provides basic asynchronous XML call (AJAX) routines for use with SOAP requests.
- sparqline.js - Library for drawing Sparklines using SVG.
- sqlquery.js - SQL Query manipulation library.
This is an incomplete library, thus without doc.
- statistics.js - Elementary statistic functions.
- svg.js - SVG helper provides simplified way of SVG elements creation.
- tab.js - Provides tab functionality.
- tagcloud.js - Displays a "Tag Cloud", visually enhanced set of links.
- ticker.js - Slowly appearing and disappearing text.
- timeline.js - Draggable timeline.
- toolbar.js - Basic Toolbar control.
- tree.js - Convertsultag into interactive tree.
- upload.js - Creates form with variable number of upload slots.
- validation.js - Creates restricted input controls.
- win.js - Creates windows.
- ws.js - Web Services (WSDL) interface.
- xml.js - Parses a string of XML data and returns a document object.
- xmla.js - XML for Analysis (XMLA) methods.
CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource