iSPARQL Querying Tutorial with SPARQL Query type "INSERT"

This tutorial shows how to execute a SPARQL query with type "INSERT".

Enter and execute a query

  1. Go to http://cname/isparql, for ex:
  2. The iSPARQL initialization window will be shown:

  3. On successful initialization will be presented the iSPARQL Advanced tab open with a default SPARQL query:

    SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}

  4. Go to QBE tab:

  5. Click the Clear Pane icon on the toolbar to empty the Canvas.

  6. Change the Data Source URI field value on the QBE tab for ex. to This will be the Graph URL we are going to use in our tutorial.

  7. On the QBE tab, change the Type (shown below the Canvas) to INSERT.

  8. Click the Generate icon on the QBE toolbar.
  9. The Advanced tab will open, with the produced SPARQL Query shown in the text-area.

  10. We are going to modify the query by adding the values to be inserted in the local Named Graph, Add (cut-and-paste) the following to the query:

    <s1> <p1> <o1> . <s2> <p2> <o2> . <s3> <p3> <o3>

  11. Click the Run Query icon on the Advanced toolbar.
  12. In the Result sub-tab, you should see a message confirming successful insertion of 3 triples:

  13. Now you may want to view the produced Graph Model. Click the Load Query into QBE icon.
  14. The QBE Working Canvas will now display the produced Graph:

  15. To check what triples there are in the Named Graph, go to the strong>Advanced tab.
  16. Enter the following query into the SPARQL Query text-area:

    SELECT ?s ?p ?o FROM <> WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } }

  17. Click the Run Query icon on the Advanced toolbar.
  18. You should see that the 3 triples we inserted above are now found in the Named Graph.


CategorySPARQL CategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryOAT CategoryDocumentation CategoryTutorial