%META:TOPICPARENT{name="InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderTutorials"}% ---+ iSPARQL "DESCRIBE" Tutorial showing Results in a Google Maps View This tutorial shows how to execute a SPARQL DESCRIBE query in iSPARQL, and view its results in Google Maps. %TOC% ---++ Procedure 1 Go to http://<cname>:*lt;port>/isparql, e.g., [[http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/isparql/][http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/isparql/]]. 1 The iSPARQL initialization window will be shown: %BR%%BR% %BR%%BR% 1 After iSPARQL loads, the Advanced tab will be open, with a default SPARQL query, e.g.: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} %BR%%BR% %BR%%BR% 1 Click to the QBE tab: %BR%%BR% %BR%%BR% 1 Click the Clear Pane icon on the toolbar, to empty the Canvas. %BR%%BR% %BR%%BR% %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click to the Advanced tab and enter the following query: DESCRIBE ?s WHERE { ?s oplsg:subcategory ?o } LIMIT 100 %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click Run Query. 1 The Results tab should appear, with your query's results: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Change the View menu selection from Navigator to type Google Maps v3. %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 The display will change to the Google Map view: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click on a Google item to view its properties: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% ---++ Related * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderTutorials][iSPARQL Tutorials]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderBasicTutorial][Basic iSPARQL Tutorial]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderBasicTutorial1][Basic iSPARQL Tutorial with query built from a blank canvas and pre-typed Nodes]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderBasicTutorial2][Basic iSPARQL Tutorial with query built from a blank canvas and Nodes dragged from the Toolbar]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderQueryTutorialConstruct][iSPARQL "CONSTRUCT" Tutorial]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderQueryTutorialDescribe][iSPARQL "DESCRIBE" Tutorial]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderQueryTutorialInsert][iSPARQL "INSERT" Tutorial]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderQueryTutorialDelete][iSPARQL "DELETE" Tutorial]] * [[InteractiveSparqlQueryBuilderQueryTutorialSlc][iSPARQL "SELECT" Tutorial]] * [[OATWikiWebIndex][OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT)]] * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparul.html#rdfsparulexamples][SPARQL Query examples in the main Virtuoso Documentation]] CategorySPARQL CategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryOAT CategoryDocumentation CategoryTutorial