iSPARQL "DESCRIBE" Tutorial showing Results in a Google Maps View

This tutorial shows how to execute a SPARQL DESCRIBE query in iSPARQL, and view its results in Google Maps.


  1. Go to http://<cname>:*lt;port>/isparql, e.g.,
  2. The iSPARQL initialization window will be shown:

  3. After iSPARQL loads, the Advanced tab will be open, with a default SPARQL query, e.g.:

    SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}

  4. Click to the QBE tab:

  5. Click the Clear Pane icon on the toolbar, to empty the Canvas.

  6. Click to the Advanced tab and enter the following query:

    DESCRIBE ?s WHERE { ?s oplsg:subcategory ?o } LIMIT 100

  7. Click Run Query.
  8. The Results tab should appear, with your query's results:

  9. Change the View menu selection from Navigator to type Google Maps v3.

  10. The display will change to the Google Map view:

  11. Click on a Google item to view its properties:


CategorySPARQL CategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryOAT CategoryDocumentation CategoryTutorial