
Basic iSPARQL Overview

  1. Go to iSPARQL demo page.
  2. By default, user name demo and security-masked password demo should be in the Login form. Click "Ok".

  3. You will now see the iSPARQL home page, opened to the QBE tab, with the default graph elements shown on the Canvas.

iSPARQL Menu Bar

The iSPARQL Menu Bar consists of the following Menus:


The QBE tab is opened by default after successful login to iSPARQL.

It consists of the following items:

Advanced Tab

Here you can build your queries, manually setting Graph value, or adding new one from tab Named Graphs

Results Tab

Shows the results of executing the SPARQL Query.

It consists of several sub-tabs:

See Also

CategorySPARQL CategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryOAT CategoryDocumentation CategoryWebSite