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  • VirtuosoWikiWeb.VirtuosoLicenseApplicationMac(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:02:01 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:02:01

    Mac OS X

    1. Launch *Terminal.app* ( /Applications/Utilities/ )
    2. Execute the command, cd "/Library/Application Support/openlink/bin/"
    3. Execute the command, oplmgr +stop
    4. Retrieve your new Virtuoso license file from an email or ODS briefcase.
    5. Replace the old license file with the new license file. (You may delete the old file, or safely retain it in this
      location by changing the .lic file extension to .lic-old.)
    6. Execute the command, oplmgr +start

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