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  • VirtuosoWikiWeb.MacODBCtoVirt(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:34 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:34

    Connect to Virtuoso (ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, .NET)

    ODBC Data Access Drivers (Mac Client)

    Configure the DSN

    1. Launch the OpenLink iODBC Administrator from /Applications/iODBC.

    2. Click the System DSN tab.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Select the OpenLink Virtuoso driver from the ODBC Drivers listbox.

    5. Click Finish.

    6. Use the DSN tab to provide the following information:

    • Name - A descriptive title for your DSN
    • Description - An optional description of the DSN
    • Server - Double-click to provide the IP address and TCP port associated with the Virtuoso DBMS server
    • This server requires a secure connection (SSL) - Check to instantiate SSL data encryption

    7. Use the Connection tab to provide the following information:

    • Authentication method - Select Client/Server challenge protocol, encrypted password, or plaintext password
    • Connect to the Virtuoso Server to configure more options - Check to poll the Virtuoso DBMS for other configurable options
    • User name - The Virtuoso DBA username
    • Password - The Virtuoso DBA password

    8. Use the Options tab to provide the following information:

    • Database - Select the target database schema
    • Charset - Select the desired characterset
    • Automatically corret for daylight savings changes - Check to ensure that time data values are adjusted to counter the effects of daylight saving.

    9. Click the Finish button.

    Test the DSN

    1. Launch the iODBC Demo program from /Applications/iODBC.

    2. Expand the Environment menu.

    3. Select Open Connection.

    4. Locate your DSN using the iODBC Data Source Chooser.

    5. Highlight your DSN.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Provide authentication, as needed.

    8. Expand the SQL menu.

    9. Select Execute SQL.

    10. Type your SQL statement into the SQL statement text box.

    11. Click OK.

    12. Expand the Environment menu.

    13. Select Close Connection.

    14. Expand the iODBC Demo menu.

    15. Select Quit iODBC Demo.

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