Error Messages (W)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Watchdog timed out

The PingWatchdog parameter appears in the [Protocol TCP] section of the OpenLink Session Rules Book. For example:

[Protocol TCP]
PingWatchdog = Yes
PingInterval = 600
;IPAddress =
PortLow = 5000
;PortHigh = 60000
Listen = 5000

If PingWatchdog is set to Yes, the Request Broker will forward ICMP echo reply packets to each connected client. If a client does not reply to two successive packets, the Broker tries to terminate that client's connections. When this occurs, "Watchdog timed out" messages will appear in the OpenLink Request Broker Log file.

If you receive Watchdog errors, determine why the Watchdog could not ping your client. This error is associated with system crashes and network failures.


Session Rules Book
Request Broker Log