%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDAUpgrades"}% = Uninstalling Our Components = Removing installations of our components takes different steps for different platforms. %TOC% == Windows == You may use the uninstall utility to remove existing Windows software. You may also use the **Add/Remove Programs** utility, which appears in the **Control Panel**. == Mac OS X == The following sequence will cleanly remove all iODBC and Data Access components added by our installers. # Double-click the **{{{Uninstall.command}}}** script ({{{/Applications/OpenLink/Universal Data Access Drivers (* Tier Edition)}}}). If the script is not present, skip ahead to #3.%BR%%BR% # Answer the questions posed by the script. Please note that you must answer with the mixed-case, full-word answers. Anything other than `**{{{Yes}}}**`, `**{{{All}}}**`, or `**{{{Quit}}}**`, will be interpreted as `**{{{No}}}**`, including `**{{{y}}}**`, `**{{{Y}}}**`, and `**{{{yes}}}**`.%BR%%BR% # Verify that all of the following directories (including contents), and specified individual files, have been removed -- {{{ /Applications/iODBC /Applications/OpenLink* /Library/Application Support/iodbc /Library/Application Support/openlink /Library/Frameworks/iODBC* /Library/Java/Extensions/libopljodbc*.jnilib /Library/Java/Extensions/opljdbc*.jar /Library/Java/Extensions/virtjdbc*.jar /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.openlinksw.* /Library/ODBC/OpenLink* /Library/Receipts/iODBC* /Library/Receipts/Opl* /Library/Receipts/UDA* /Library/Receipts/VIRT* /Library/Receipts/Virt* /Library/StartupItems/Oplmgr /Users/*/Library/Preferences/com.openlinksw* /Users/*/Library/Saved Application State/com.openlinksw* /private/var/db/receipts/com.openlinksw.* }}} # You can copy and paste the following command into Terminal.app to remove all of the above -- {{{ sudo rm -rf /Applications/iODBC /Applications/OpenLink* "/Library/Application Support/iodbc" "/Library/Application Support/openlink" /Library/Frameworks/iODBC* /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.openlinksw.* /Library/ODBC/OpenLink* /Library/Receipts/iODBC* /Library/Receipts/Opl* /Library/Receipts/UDA* /Library/Receipts/VIRT* /Library/Receipts/Virt* /Library/StartupItems/Oplmgr /Library/Java/Extensions/libopljodbc* /Library/Java/Extensions/opljdbc* /Library/Java/Extensions/virtjdbc* /Users/*/Library/Preferences/com.openlinksw* /Users/*/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.openlinksw* /private/var/db/receipts/com.openlinksw.* }}} == Unix-like OS -- AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, etc. == We do not provide an uninstall utility for Unix-like platforms. **{{{rm}}}** and **{{{rmdir}}}** should be used to remove existing deployments.