Error Message: Unable to open a Request Broker license (Network failure)

A variety of factors contribute to the "Network failure" error. If you encounter network failures, take the action that corresponds to the operating system on which the Broker is running:

For a Unix Broker host

  1. Log into the problem machine.
  2. Run ps -ef and make sure that oplmgr, oplrqb, and www_sv are not running. Kill any relevant processes. For example:

    ps -ef | grep oplmgr ps -ef | grep oplrqb ps -ef | grep www_sv

  3. cd to the root of your OpenLink installation, where you find and openlink.csh.
  4. Set the OpenLink environment by running the appropriate script for your shell --
    shell command Sort in descending order
    sh, bash, zsh and related . ./
    ksh and related source ./
    csh, tcsh and related source ./openlink.csh

  5. cd into the bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation.
  6. Use ls -al to insure that oplrqb.log is writable by its owner.
  7. vi oplrqb.ini
  8. Locate the [Protocol TCP] section. For example:

    [Protocol TCP] PingWatchdog = No PingInterval = 600 Listen = 5000 PortLow = 5000 PortHigh = 6000 ;IPAddress =

  9. Remove the semicolon from the IPAddress parameter.
  10. Hardcode your machine's IP address.
  11. Record the value passed to Listen.
  12. Exit the file.
  13. Run netstat -a to insure that UDP and TCP ports 60001 are free. For example:

    netstat -a | grep 60001

  14. Run netstat -a to insure that the TCP port passed to Listen is free. For example:

    netstat -a | grep 5000

  15. Run ./oplmgr -? to insure that you do not have version 0.9.4. If you do, you have a bug, and you must stop and contact OpenLink Product Support. For example:

    [root@r3 bin]# ./oplmgr -? OpenLink License Manager Version 0.9.4 as of Fri Feb 03 2006 (Release 6.0 cvsid 00082). Compiled for Linux 2.4.20-43.9.legacysmp (i686-pc-linux-glibc23) Copyright (C) OpenLink Software.

  16. Use ls -al to make sure that all files in ~/openlink/bin and ~/openlink/lib have file ownership.
  17. Remove any files named .opl* or opl* in /tmp --

    rm /tmp/.opl* /tmp/opl*

  18. Start your Request Broker process.
  19. Test your connection.

If the same error persists send the following resources to OpenLink Product Support:

  1. Copies of your oplrqb.lic, oplrqb.log, and oplrqb.ini files
  2. The output of the various commands suggested above
  3. The output of these additional commands --

    strace ./oplrqb -fd oplrqb -?

For a Windows Broker host

  1. Log into the problem machine.
  2. Use the Services utility to insure that the OpenLink License Manager and OpenLink Request Broker are shut down.
  3. Use the Task Manager to make sure that www_sv is not running. Kill any relevant processes.
  4. Expand your Start -> Programs menu.
  5. Expand the OpenLink Data Access Drivers folder.
  6. Click the Session Rules Book entry. This should open the oplrqb.ini file (a.k.a. Session Rules Book) in Notepad.
  7. Locate the [Protocol TCP] section. For example:

    [Protocol TCP] PingWatchdog = No PingInterval = 600 Listen = 5000 PortLow = 5000 PortHigh = 6000 ;IPAddress =

  8. Remove the semicolon from the IPAddress parameter.
  9. Hardcode your machine's IP address.
  10. Record the value passed to Listen.
  11. Exit the file.
  12. Open an CMD/DOS session.
  13. Run netstat to insure that TCP and UDP ports 60001, and the TCP port passed to Listen, are free.
  14. cd into the bin sub-directory of the OpenLink installation.
  15. Run oplmgr -? to insure that you do not have version 0.9.4. If you do, you have a bug. For example:

    [root@r3 bin]# ./oplmgr -? OpenLink License Manager Version 0.9.4 as of Fri Feb 03 2006 (Release 6.0 cvsid 00082). Compiled for Linux 2.4.20-43.9.legacysmp (i686-pc-linux-glibc23) Copyright (C) OpenLink Software.

  16. If you have a new license file, put it in the bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation.
  17. Restart the OpenLink License Manager using the Services panel.
  18. Restart the OpenLink Request Broker using the Services panel.
  19. Test your connection.

If the same error persists send the following resources:

  1. Copies of your oplrqb.lic, oplrqb.log, and oplrqb.ini files
  2. The output of the various commands suggested above
  3. The output of these additional commands --

    strace ./oplrqb -fd oplrqb -?

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