
==Error Messages (U)==

[[UDAErrorMessages|A]] [[ErrorMessagesB|B]] [[ErrorMessagesC|C]] [[ErrorMessagesD|D]] [[ErrorMessagesE|E]] [[ErrorMessagesF|F]] [[ErrorMessagesG|G]] [[ErrorMessagesH|H]] [[ErrorMessagesI|I]] [[ErrorMessagesJ|J]] [[ErrorMessagesK|K]] [[ErrorMessagesL|L]] [[ErrorMessagesM|M]] [[ErrorMessagesN|N]] [[ErrorMessagesO|O]] [[ErrorMessagesP|P]] [[ErrorMessagesQ|Q]] [[ErrorMessagesR|R]] [[ErrorMessagesS|S]] [[ErrorMessagesT|T]] [[ErrorMessagesU|U]] [[ErrorMessagesV|V]] [[ErrorMessagesW|W]] [[ErrorMessagesX|X]] [[ErrorMessagesY|Y]] [[ErrorMessagesZ|Z]] [[ErrorMessagesSymbols|#]]
===Unable to locate ora803.dll===

If you receive "Unable to locate ora803.dll" error messages, pursue the action appropriate to your Drivers:

**Multi-Tier Drivers**

1. Determine if your Oracle database utilizes the ora803.dll. If it does not, determine which .dll it uses. For example, some Oracle versions use ociw32.dll.

2. If your database does not use ora803.dll, contact <nop>OpenLink Product Support. Otherwise...

3. Use the Windows Explorer to search your machine for the ora803.dll.

4. Open the System utility which appears in your Windows Control Panel.

5. Click on the Environment or Advanced tab. (The location of features varies across operating system versions.)

6. Set the User and System PATH variables. For instance:


7. Test.

**Single-Tier Drivers**

1. Determine if your Oracle database utilizes the ora803.dll. If it does not, determine which .dll it uses. For example, some Oracle versions use ociw32.dll.

2. Use the Windows Explorer to search your machine for the appropriate .dll.

3. Open the System utility which appears in your Windows Control Panel.

4. Click on the Environment or Advanced tab. (The location of features varies across operating system versions.)

5. Set the User and System PATH variables. For instance:


6. If you have located a .dll other than ora803.dll, type the correct .dll in the SQL*Net Interface box on the SQL*Net tab of your DSN configuration screen.

7. Test.


Database Agent Version String 
DBMS Version