JDBC Connect Strings

Single-Tier JDBC Connection URLs

OpenLink's Single-Tier drivers support JDBC Type 1 connections. Therefore, you need to insure that the URL format follows the JDBC Type 1 URL specification.


Next, you must evaluate the specific parameters and values that are passed. All Single-Tier URLs should begin like this:


Then, they should pass DSN=functional, local ODBC DSN followed by /UID=database username, /PWD=database password and /READONLY=yes or no as needed or desired.

Multi-Tier JDBC Connection URLs

OpenLink's Multi-Tier drivers support JDBC Type 1 and JDBC Type 3 connections. Therefore, you need to insure that the URL format follows the JDBC Type 1 or JDBC Type 3 URL specification.

Type 1


Type 3

jdbc:openlink://<Hostname>:[portnumber] [/UID] [/PWD] [/READONLY] [/SVT]

Next, you must evaluate the specific parameters and values that are passed. All Multi-Tier URLs should begin like this:


Note: Here, hostname pertains to the hostname or IP address of the machine that hosts the OpenLink Request Broker. Portnumber refers to the TCP port on which the Broker listens.

Finally, the URL should pass the remaining URL parameters as needed or desired:

Note: You cannot pass the full path to Progress databases to the JDBC Database

parameter. (Slashes in path names are not parsed correctly.) Paths must be hardcoded in the Agent configuration section of the Session Rules Book.

Note: Older Multi-Tier drivers supported URLs that took this form:


This URL format is deprecated. Check individual driver support for this format, as needed.