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  • UdaWikiWeb.TroubleshootingUDAAdminLogs(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:06 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:06

    Admin Assistant Logs

    The Admin Assistant writes the following information to a file, when startup is successful:

    					Thu Mar 04 2004
    15:07:11 started http://openlinux.openlinksw.com:8051

    Here, we see the URL through which a Web browser may access the Admin Assistant. The first part of the URL designates the machine (openlinux.openlinksw.com) on which it started. The number appended to the end of the machine (:8051) is the TCP port on which it listens. This is set by the HTTPServer value in the www_sv.ini file. The www_sv.ini file is generally found in the /bin/w3config sub-directory of OpenLink Multi-Tier server installations, but the directory may be changed with the Directory keyword in the [www_sv] stanza of the Session Rulebook.

    The Admin Assistant will write simple error messages to the log when startup fails. Specific error messages and their meanings and resolutions are documented elsewhere.

    We have been discussing the default log produced by the Admin Assistant (log level 5). However, you can cause the Admin Assistant to run at different log levels, by setting the log level in the [www_sv] stanza of the Session Rulebook. For example:

    Program	  = w3config/www_sv
    Directory	= w3config
    CommandLine =  +loglevel 6

    Log level 7 causes the Admin Assistant to output an HTTP log that display individual scripts and images as it serves them. Be sure to look for errors interspersed between the entries.

    					Fri Mar 05 2004
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET / HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /scripts/menu HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /about.html HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /images/p17.gif HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /images/oplogomd.gif HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /images/plus.gif HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /images/script.gif HTTP/1.1
    21:10:16 200 OK	GET /images/admnasst.jpg HTTP/1.1
    21:10:18 200 OK	GET /scripts/menu/2 HTTP/1.1
    21:10:18 200 OK	GET /images/minus.gif HTTP/1.1
    21:10:20 200 OK	GET /scripts/menu/2/3 HTTP/1.1
    21:10:21 200 OK	GET /scripts/menu/2/2.2/3 HTTP/1.
    21:10:23 401 Unauthorized	GET /scripts/odbcdsn HTTP/1.1
    21:10:29 200 OK	GET /scripts/odbcdsn HTTP/1.1

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