%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDATroubleshootingInstallation"}% ==Installation== ===Installer doesn't work=== OpenLink's installers seldom fail. Furthermore, it is easy to troubleshoot installer issues, when they occur. Use the following guidelines in the event of a problem: 1. Obtain the name of the installation files. 2. Obtain the operating system and version. Obtain the output of uname -a on unix. Obtain the output of uname -a and rpm -qa | grep lib on Linux. 3. Insure that the installation files are compatible with the operating system. Most installers are compatible with the intended o/s and updated versions of the o/s. For instance, Solaris 2.7 software should run on Solaris 2.7 and 2.8. It may not run on 2.5. OpenLink Product Support can assistant when it is unclear whether or not an installer is compatible with an operating system. 4. Insure installation shell scripts were ftp'd in ASCII. .taz, .dmg, and .zip files require BINARY file transfer. If the problem persists on unix, you can use tar -xvf to decompress installation files. Use of tar should create functional, unix installations. However, you will need to manually set various environment variables in OpenLink's product configuration files: e.g., openlink.sh, openlink.csh, openlink.ini, oplrqb.ini. If the problem persists on Windows, check your OpenLink installation directories and registry. Occasionally, Windows installers report registry problems. However, these same installers create functional installations with properly configured variables. Consequently, you should attempt to start your Request Brokers and test your Data Source Name(s). Finally, problem Windows installations may require substantial edits to the registry. This task can be accomplished by advanced technical users with guidance from OpenLink Product Support. However, novice users shoulds await the release of fully functional installers. You can cause serious harm to your computer, if you misconfigure your registry. Registry edits are not advised and almost never supported as a troubleshooting tactic.