%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ConfigTroubleshootASE"}% ==Database Configuration for Unicode== ===Sybase 12.5 +=== The pre-requisites for Unicode with Sybase are: * Sybase Active Server (ASE) Version 12.5 or later. (Unicode support is NOT enabled for Version 12.0); * Default character set for the Sybase Server needs to be "UTF-8". To set this: # Make sure the Sybase SQL Server is not running. (Cancel it from the "Services" screen). # Run "Server Configuration" from the "Sybase" entry in the Task Menu bar, or run SYCONFIG.EXE directly; # Either Create a new Active Server or Configure an existing Active Server. (Selection is via Pushbuttons on the dialog box); # For either method, select the "Language" pushbutton; # Select the "Character Set" pushbutton; # Select the "Set Default" pushbutton; # Select "Unicode 3.0.1 UTF-8" from the list box. If this entry is not available, you will have to add it. From the Character Set selection dialog box, select the "Add / Delete" pushbutton. Select the character set from the list box of those available. Select the "Add" pushbutton (or the "Add All" pushbutton to make all character sets available). Select OK. Once the default character set has been selected, select "OK" and "Exit". Start (or restart) the Sybase SQL-Server.