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  • UdaWikiWeb.SHMEMAccessPermission(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:53 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:53

    Error Messages (S)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

    Shared memory access permission denied (1136)

    Progress Software provides this account of the error:

    When running shared-memory multi-user PROGRESS, one of the processes was denied
    access to the shared memory. Make sure the PROGRESS modules were properly installed.
    _proserve, _progres, etc. must be owned by "root" and have permission bits "rwsrwxr-x".

    OpenLink users have resolved this problem by running chown -R root * in $DLC/bin.

    Referenced by...