Error Messages (P)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Program not defined in section x

If you receive "'Program' not defined" errors, take the following action:

1. cd into the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.

2. Execute an ls or dir.

3. Take note of the files which end in sv, sv.exe, mv, or mv.exe. These files are OpenLink's agents. For example:


4. Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file. This file resides in the same /bin sub-directory.

5. Locate the section which is referenced by the error. (This section corresponds to your OpenLink Database Agent.) For instance:

Name = generic_sql7
Program =
Environment = SQLSERVER7
ReUse = Never
OpsysLogin = No
Description =

6. Pass the name of your Database Agent to the Program parameter. For instance:

Program = sql6_mv.exe

5. Save your changes and exit the file.

6. Restart or reinitialize your OpenLink Request Broker.

7. Test.

Be advised. OpenLink Database Agent names reflect the name of the database to which they connect. For instance:

judbc = special JDBC agent
ora81 = Oracle 8
pro = Progress
sql6 = SQL Server
sybc = Sybase (CT Lib)

If you cannot identify the appropriate Database Agent, contact OpenLink Product Support.


Session Rules Book
Request Broker Log