Receiving a not enough privileges error when trying to configure DSNs for the
The following process assumes that this file doesn't exist yet. If you already have a valid tnsnames.ora file for your environment, you may place it at the location specified in Step #3, or create a symbolic or hard link to the same location. Please note that a Finder Alias will not serve.
Create the $ORACLE_HOME directory, and the required sub-directories. Our recommendation is to execute the following command in a Terminal session, which will make all missing directories at once --
mkdir -p /Library/Preferences/Oracle/network/admin
Within the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory, create a tnsnames.ora file. This may be an empty file, because the ODBC Setup will create all necessary content, so simply executing the command below is sufficient --
touch /Library/Preferences/Oracle/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
Make the entire ORACLE_HOME directory readable and writeable
by everyone, with the following command --
sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Preferences/Oracle
Launch the iODBC Administrator (/Applications/iODBC/) or the
In the field labelled Oracle directory, enter the full path of the $ORACLE_HOME directory created or selected in Step #1, e.g.,
If you just touched the tnsnames.ora file, the Net Service Name menu will be empty. If you placed a valid tnsnames.ora file at the appropriate location in Step #3, you may see a list of Net Service Names to choose from. Click on the Advanced button to bring up the OpenLink? Oracle Lite Setup Wizard which will allow you to edit or create Net Service Names for use on this Mac.
This wizard is essentially a GUI configuration utility for the tnsnames.ora file. The errors you received previously indicated that this wizard could not find, or could not edit, the file specified by any previously set $ORACLE_HOME.
Fill in the four fields with appropriate values, as provided by your Oracle DBA, and click Add for each desired service name.
Click on OK to return to ODBC data source configuration.
The Net Service Name menu should now be populated.