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  • UdaWikiWeb.OplrqbHasNoRegistrationInformation(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:41 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:41

    Error Messages (O)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

    oplrqb has no registration information

    "oplrqb has no registration information" is a typical licensing error. If you experience this error, take the action that corresponds to your OpenLink version:

    OpenLink 1.x and 3.x

    1. Insure that you have a valid temporary or commercial license.

    2. Insure that the license is named register.ini.

    3. Place the license in the bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation.

    4. Insure that the relevant PATH variable contains the bin sub-directory of the OpenLink installation.

    5. Remove any expired or extraneous license files from the system.

    6. Shutdown your Request Broker.

    7. Run the following command from the bin sub-directory:


    8. Restart your Request Broker.

    9. Test.

    OpenLink 4.x and above

    1. Insure that you have a valid temporary or commercial license.

    2. Insure that the license is named oplrqb.lic.

    3. Place the license in the bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation.

    4. Insure that the relevant PATH variable contains the bin sub-directory of the OpenLink installation.

    5. Remove any expired or extraneous license files from the system.

    6. Restart your Request Broker.

    7. Test.


    License File

    Referenced by...