%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDATroubleshootingAppProblems"}% ==Application Specific Problems== ===Enable ODBC Connectivity with <nop>FileMaker 6.4 (Mac OS X)=== Problems can occur, if <nop>FileMaker 64 is installed on a partition and <nop>OpenLink's iODBC Driver Manager is installed on the boot disk. The following instructions will enable you to use <nop>FileMaker 6.4 successfully on a partition: 1. Un-installed <nop>FileMaker, <nop>OpenLink's iODBC Driver Manager, and <nop>OpenLink's Driver. 2. Re-install the <nop>OpenLink iODBC Driver Manager, <nop>OpenLink Driver, and <nop>FileMaker 6.0 on the boot drive. 3. Create an <nop>OpenLink Data Source Name, and test it using the <nop>iODBC Data Sources Administrator and <nop>FileMaker 6.0. 4. Move the <nop>FileMaker 6.0 installation to the target partition, once the DSN tests successfully. 5. Retest the newly-relocated <nop>FileMaker 6.0 to ensure continued functionality. 6. Use the <nop>FileMaker 6.4 upgrade package to upgrade the 6.0 installation tha resides on the target partition.