%META:TOPICPARENT{name="NETDataProvidersClassImplementation"}% ===OPLParameter=== Represents a parameter to an OPLCommand and optionally, its mapping to a DataSet column. {{{ public class OPLParameter : MarshalByRefObject, IDbDataParameter, IDataParameter, ICloneable }}} ====Constructors==== {{{ public OPLParameter(); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class. {{{ public OPLParameter(string parameterName, object value); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class with the parameter name and a value of the new OPLParameter object. {{{ public OPLParameter(string parameterName, OPLDbType type); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class with the parameter name and the data type. {{{ public OPLParameter(string parameterName, OPLDbType type, int size); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class with the parameter name, the OPLDbType and the size. {{{ public OPLParameter(string parameterName, OPLDbType type, int size, string sourceColumn); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class with the parameter name, the OPLDbType, the size, and the source column name. {{{ public OPLParameter(string parameterName, OPLDbType type, int size, ParameterDirection direction, Boolean isNullable, Byte precision, Byte scale, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, object value); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLParameter class with the parameter name, the type of the parameter, the size of the parameter, a ParameterDirection, whether the parameter is nullable, the precision of the parameter, the scale of the parameter, the source column, a DataRowVersion to use, and the value of the parameter. ====Methods==== {{{{ public override string ToString (); }}}} Gets a string containing the ParameterName. ====Properties==== {{{ public OPLDbType OPLDbType {get; set;} }}} Gets or sets the OPLDbType of the parameter. ====Remarks==== The OPLDbType and DbType are linked. Therefore, setting the DbType changes the OPLType to a supporting OPLDbType. For a list of the supported data types, see the appropriate OPLDbType member.