%META:TOPICPARENT{name="NETDataProvidersClassImplementation"}% ===OPLCommandBuilder=== Automatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated data source. {{{ public sealed class OPLCommandBuilder : Component }}} ====Constructors==== {{{ public OPLCommandBuilder (); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLCommandBuilder class. {{{ public OPLCommandBuilder (OPLDataAdapter adapter); }}} Initializes a new instance of the OPLCommandBuilder class with the associated OPLDataAdapter object. ====Methods==== {{{ public static void DeriveParameters (OPLCommand command); }}} Retrieves parameter information from the stored procedure specified in the OPLCommand and populates the Parameters collection of the specified OPLCommand object. {{{ protected override void Dispose (bool disposing); }}} Releases the resources used by the OPLCommandBuilder. {{{ public OPLCommand GetDeleteCommand (); }}} Gets the automatically generated OPLCommand object required to perform deletions at the data source. {{{ public OPLCommand GetInsertCommand (); }}} Gets the automatically generated OPLCommand object required to perform insertions at the data source. {{{ public OPLCommand GetUpdateCommand (); }}} Gets the automatically generated OPLCommand object required to perform updates at the data source. {{{ public void RefreshSchema (); }}} Refreshes the database schema information used to generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. ====Properties==== {{{ public OPLDataAdapter DataAdapter {get; set;} }}} Gets or sets an OPLDataAdapter object for which this OPLCommandBuilder object will generate SQL statements. {{{ public string QuotePrefix {get; set;} }}} Gets or sets the beginning character or characters to use when working with database objects (for example, tables or columns) whose names contain characters such as spaces or reserved tokens. {{{ public string QuoteSuffix {get; set;} }}} Gets or sets the ending character or characters to use when working with database objects, (for example, tables or columns), whose names contain characters such as spaces or reserved tokens.