Quickstart Guide for the Enterprise Edition (Multi-Tier) Generic Client JDBC Driver for Unix-like OS

Aims and Intentions

This guide is intended to enable competent system administrators to install and configure OpenLink Multi-tier JDBC client side components on *nix style operating systems in a few steps as possible.

This guide does not explain any of the non-pertinent features encountered along the way. Such explanations may be found in the full documentation.



  1. Log onto the machine and create a suitable installation directory, which we'll refer to as <OPENLINK_INSTALL>. For instance, /opt/openlink/.
  2. Copy all relevant components and/or archives to <OPENLINK_INSTALL>. At bare minimum, this will be an Enterprise Edition Generic Client JDBC Driver .jar file appropriate to your JVM.
  3. If you're doing a more complete install, which may include sample applications and/or applets, install by running the install.sh shell script --

    sh install.sh

  4. The installation should finish without error.


There is no additional configuration required, since the driver is nothing more than a .jar file.


A Type 3 JDBC Driver connects a pure JDBC client environment to non- or partially-Java environments, such as our Enterprise Edition (Multi-Tier) server components (Request Broker and target-specific Database or Bridge Agents).

Note: You should generally have only one of the following in your CLASSPATH environment variable. If you have multiple jars which use the same Classname, only the first found by the JVM (typically the first in your CLASSPATH) will be active. Choose the one best matched to your active JVM and to whether you will only need Type 3, or a combination of Type 1 and Type 3, connections.

Our pure Type 3 JDBC Drivers have the following attributes --

Filename Classname
Java 8 1.8.x JDBC 4.2 megathin4_2.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 7 1.7.x JDBC 4.1 megathin4_1.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 6 1.6.x JDBC 4 megathin4.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 4 and 5 1.4.x and 1.5.x JDBC 3 megathin3.jar openlink.jdbc3.Driver
Java 2 and 3 1.2.x and 1.3.x JDBC 2 megathin2.jar openlink.jdbc2.Driver
Java 1 1.1.x JDBC 1 megathin.jar openlink.jdbc.Driver

Our hybrid Type 3 and Type 1 JDBC Drivers have the following attributes --

Filename Classname
Java 8 1.8.x JDBC 4.2 opljdbc4_2.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 7 1.7.x JDBC 4.1 opljdbc4_1.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 6 1.6.x JDBC 4 opljdbc4.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 4 and 5 1.4.x and 1.5.x JDBC 3 opljdbc3.jar openlink.jdbc3.Driver
Java 2 and 3 1.2.x and 1.3.x JDBC 2 opljdbc2.jar openlink.jdbc2.Driver
Java 1 1.1.x JDBC 1 opljdbc.jar openlink.jdbc.Driver

Type 3 JDBC URL Syntax

Our Type 3 JDBC URL sytax is as shown below. Spaces between arguments are here only for clarity; they should be omitted for actual use, as in the example.

jdbc:openlink://<Hostname>[:portnumber] [/DSN=<dsn>] [/UID=<uid>] [/PWD=<pwd>] [/READONLY=<y>] 
              [/FBS=<x>] [/JDBCAGENT=<AgentType>] [/SVT=<ServerType>] [/DATABASE=<Schema>] 
              [/OPTIONS=<AgentOptions>] [/DRIVER=<RemoteOdbcDriver>] [/SSL=<y>]

Note: JDBC URL escape characters '{' and '}' should be used when parameters in the JDBC URL contain any JDBC URL reserved characters, such as '/'.

Typical examples are

Type 3 JDBC URL Attributes

Sample Type 3 JDBC URLs