%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDATroubleshootingInstallation"}% ==Installation Specific Problems== ===Multi-Tier Components Were Not Installed=== **OPLCFG** OpenLink's Multi-Tier 4.0 drivers do not ship with oplcfg. The oplcfg utility has been retired. You may now use OpenLink's Web-based Admin Assistant to configure your Database Agents and Request Broker. If you do not have access to a Web browser, you may manually configure the Request Broker and Database Agents. To proceed, vi the oplrqb.ini file which resides in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. Ask OpenLink Product Support, for additional information. **Database Agents** Some Database Agent installers do not install agent binaries. In this instance, the installer places Database Agent object code (.o) in the /lib sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. You must use a C compiler to relink the object code against your database. Ask OpenLink Product Support. **Other** If you are missing another OpenLink software component, contact OpenLink Product Support. You may have a corrupt install archive.