%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesM"}% = More than 4096 characters in a single statement--use -inp parm. (135) You may receive this message when issuing long SQL statements to a Progress instance. The -inp parameter is a Progress startup parameter, and must usually be set when the Progress server is started, typically through the "startup.pf" file, which is itself typically (but not always) found in the $DLC directory. The active file may also be specified by the $PROSTARTUP environment variable. When -inp is increased, you generally must also increase -tok, and the latter is generally recommended to be set to its maximum. For example, the following lines would be added to your startup.pf — {{{ -inp 8192 # max value is 32000 -tok 1600 # max value is 1600 }}} The Progress server(s) must be restarted after making this change.