%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesM"}% ==Error Messages (M)== [[UDAErrorMessages|A]] [[ErrorMessagesB|B]] [[ErrorMessagesC|C]] [[ErrorMessagesD|D]] [[ErrorMessagesE|E]] [[ErrorMessagesF|F]] [[ErrorMessagesG|G]] [[ErrorMessagesH|H]] [[ErrorMessagesI|I]] [[ErrorMessagesJ|J]] [[ErrorMessagesK|K]] [[ErrorMessagesL|L]] [[ErrorMessagesM|M]] [[ErrorMessagesN|N]] [[ErrorMessagesO|O]] [[ErrorMessagesP|P]] [[ErrorMessagesQ|Q]] [[ErrorMessagesR|R]] [[ErrorMessagesS|S]] [[ErrorMessagesT|T]] [[ErrorMessagesU|U]] [[ErrorMessagesV|V]] [[ErrorMessagesW|W]] [[ErrorMessagesX|X]] [[ErrorMessagesY|Y]] [[ErrorMessagesZ|Z]] [[ErrorMessagesSymbols|#]] ==="Makefile:311:*** missing separator. Stop." or "Makefile, line 312: Unexpected end of line seen." when compiling DBD with iODBC support=== **Problem** When running "make test" or "make" when compiling Perl DBD with iODBC support (see [[http://www.iodbc.org/odbc-perlHOWTO.html]] for more information on this process), you receive one of the above error messages. **Background** CPAN development is aware that DBD::ODBC 1.06 June 19, 2003 has Makefile.PL bug, such that the following is created in the "Makefile": {{{ config :: $(changes_pm) @$(NOOP) }}} Before the "{{{@$(NOOP)}}}" there are most likely spaces instead of tab. This causes make(1) to complain with one of the above errors. **Solution** 1. Before the "@" sign in DBD's "Makefile" file, replace the spaces with a tab and save. 2. Re-run "make" (or "make test").|