Multi-Tier Data Access Connect String Attributes
The following list describes valid attributes and their values common to all Multi-Tier ODBC DSN-Less Connection strings:
- Host — The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the machine hosting the OpenLink Request Broker.
May include the Port value, using the form <Host>:<Port>, e.g.,
- Port — The TCP port number at which the OpenLink Request Broker listens.
Required if not included in the Host value.
- ServerType — The value must match a [Domain Alias] found in the Server's Rulebook.
Default Aliases typically represent the name and version of a Database Agent.
That agent version may differ from the DBMS version to which it connects.
Advanced users may create custom domain names that follow their own, desired conventions.
- ServerOptions — Acceptable values vary with the target database.
Primarily used for Progress connections.
Specifies arguments used when instantiating the Database Agent on the Broker host.
- Options — Passes many connection options including parameters that enable three-tier connections, i.e., connections to DBMS that do not reside on the same machine as the OpenLink Request Broker and Database Agent.
Review Complete Settings and Usage for Connect Options.
- Database — Takes a database or schema name, or an Oracle SID.
- DeferLongFetch — Defers fetching of LONG (BINARY, BLOB, CLOB, etc.) fields unless explicitly requested in a query.
This can provides significant performance increases when fields in query do not include LONG data fields.
Possible values are YES and NO.
- MASE — "Multiple Active Statement Emulation" enables use of multiple active statements by an ODBC application even if the underlying database does support this feature, by emulating the functionality within the driver.
Possible values are YES and NO.
- SQLDBMSNAME — Overrides the response returned by the driver for SQLGetInfo(SQL_DBMS_NAME) calls.
This may be required for products such as Microsoft InfoPath (for which the return the value should be "SQL Server") which do not query the functionality of a back-end database, but rather decide whether they can use it based on the name it reports.