= Advanced Multi-Tier Client Configuration =
== Advanced Settings ==
The default values for most of these settings are recommended and sufficient for most situations.
Adjustments may negatively impact performance or lead to other undesirable results. Please use caution!
| *Section* | *Key* | *Value* | *Description* |
| **{{{Communications}}}** ||| Must be correctly synchronized with server-side Broker Rulebook settings. For more details, see [[ConfiguringMTCommunicationsAttributes| Configuring Multi-Tier Communications Attributes]]. |
| | **{{{BrokerTimeout}}}**| **30
** | The amount of time the client will wait for a connection to an agent. The default value is 30. Value is measured in seconds. |
| | **{{{ReceiveTimeout}}}** | **120
** | The amount of time the client will wait for a query to return with data. The default value is 120. Value is measured in seconds. |
| | **{{{ShowErrors}}}** | **Yes
** | With this set to yes any OpenLink messages will be displayed in a dialog box. If this is set to no, OpenLink messages will not be displayed. |
|n/a |||
| | **ServerType
** %BR% or %BR% **Domain
** %BR% or %BR% **Provider Type
** | **Oracle 10.x
** %BR% or %BR% **Progress 100SQL
** %BR% or %BR% **Odbc
** %BR% etc. | Each key name in this section represents a different provider type or "Domain". To add a provider type, simply add a new line using the same syntax as the default types. |
== How to Change these Advanced Settings
=== ...on Mac OS X ===
Global configuration information is contained in {{{/Users/*/Library/Preferences/com.openlinksw.uda.plist}}}.
For best results, use the **System Preferences** >> **OpenLink Settings** preference pane to change these settings.
If necessary, any plist editor (or even a plain-text editor) can be used to edit this settings file.
=== ...on Windows ===
Global configuration information is contained in the {{{OPENLINK.INI}}} sub-section of the registry. Windows platforms use the registry to store all configuration information.
To edit or view to registry, run the {{{regedit}}} program. To view the OpenLink settings, drill down to the following section:
=== ...on Unix-like OS ===
{{{[Communications]}}} settings are stored in the active {{{$ODBCINI}}} file. Most other settings may be found in {{{$OPENLINKINI}}}.