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  • UdaWikiWeb.MTAdvancedClientConfig(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:30 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:30

    Advanced Multi-Tier Client Configuration

    Advanced Settings

    The default values for most of these settings are recommended and sufficient for most situations.

    Adjustments may negatively impact performance or lead to other undesirable results. Please use caution!

    Section Key Value Description
    Communications Must be correctly synchronized with server-side Broker Rulebook settings. For more details, see Configuring Multi-Tier Communications Attributes.
    BrokerTimeout 30 The amount of time the client will wait for a connection to an agent. The default value is 30. Value is measured in seconds.
    ReceiveTimeout 120 The amount of time the client will wait for a query to return with data. The default value is 120. Value is measured in seconds.
    ShowErrors Yes With this set to yes any OpenLink messages will be displayed in a dialog box. If this is set to no, OpenLink messages will not be displayed.
    Provider Type
    Oracle 10.x
    Progress 100SQL
    Each key name in this section represents a different provider type or "Domain". To add a provider type, simply add a new line using the same syntax as the default types.

    How to Change these Advanced Settings

    ...on Mac OS X

    Global configuration information is contained in /Users/*/Library/Preferences/com.openlinksw.uda.plist.

    For best results, use the System Preferences >> OpenLink Settings preference pane to change these settings.

    If necessary, any plist editor (or even a plain-text editor) can be used to edit this settings file.

    ...on Windows

    Global configuration information is contained in the OPENLINK.INI sub-section of the registry. Windows platforms use the registry to store all configuration information.

    To edit or view to registry, run the regedit program. To view the OpenLink settings, drill down to the following section:


    ...on Unix-like OS

    [Communications] settings are stored in the active $ODBCINI file. Most other settings may be found in $OPENLINKINI.

    Referenced by...