Error Message: Invalid environment

"Invalid environment" generally occurs when a Multi-Tier Rulebook (default, oplrqb.ini) or Single-Tier $OPENLINKINI (default, openlink.ini) file is misconfigured.

For instance, a database agent configuration section may pass an invalid name to the Environment parameter.

Here is a sample database agent configuration section:

Description = Default settings for PostgreSQL agent
Program = pgr7_mv.exe
Environment = POSTGRES7
ReUse = always

Here is a sample environment section:

[Environment POSTGRES]
;ODBC_CATALOGS = Y ; Uncomment after loading odbccat defs
CURSOR_SENSITIVITY = LOW ; Set to HIGH after loading oplrvc.sql

"Invalid environment" will occur because the database agent section passes Environment = POSTGRES7, and there is no [Environment POSTGRES7].

To resolve the error, simply ensure that the Environment = POSTGRES7 and [Environment POSTGRES7] names match (i.e., either change [Environment POSTGRES] to [Environment POSTGRES7], or change Environment = POSTGRES7 to Environment = POSTGRES).

Similar errors may be found in Single-Tier configuration, generally within the $OPENLINKINI file, and occasionally involving cros-referencing settings found in $ODBCINI and/or $ODBCINSTINI.
