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  • UdaWikiWeb.HTML5ODBCExplorerSampleProg(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:12 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:12

    ODBC Explorer: A Sample HTML5 Program

    The ODBC Explorer is a simple iSQL-like sample HTML5 program which allows connection to any browser-local ODBC DSN (Data Source Name).

    Once connected, a list of available database catalogs is displayed, and users can easily explore the database schema and/or execute queries against it.


    1. Prerequisite: Install and configure the HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge.
    2. You can
    3. Make sure you have an ODBC DSN configured, or configure one now. In the example below, we'll connect to the publicly-accessible demo instance of Virtuoso --
      • host demo.openlinksw.com
      • port 1111
      • username demo
      • password demo


    1. Load the ODBC Explorer sample program in your web browser.
    2. Choose your desired ODBC DSN from the drop down list box, enter username and password (if needed), and click the connect button.

    3. Upon successful connection, a list of available DbCatalogs (as in the 3-part identification of database objects -- DbCatalog.Owner.Table) will be listed in the left frame.

    4. Drill down into a DbCatalog (e.g., Demo) to see the Owner(s) (e.g., demo), and Object(s) therein.

    5. Double-click an Object (e.g., Countries) to get a quick and easy look at its
      • Structure

      • Indexes

      • Foreign Keys

      • References (i.e., the Foreign Key inverse)

    6. When you drill into an object, the "Execute SQL" tab will be pre-populated with a default query --

      SELECT * FROM <object>

    7. You can edit this, or just click on the "Run SQL" button to execute.

    8. SPARQL queries can also be executed with clickable anchor links generated for URIs.

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