= Glossary Entry: ServerType =
The Server Type or ServerType variable appears in the {{{odbc.ini}}} file, the {{{udbc.ini}}} file, the Multi-Tier Rulebook (default, {{{oplrqb.ini}}}), and the Administrative Assistant. You will also see the {{{/SVT}}} or {{{/SERVERTYPE}}} parameters included in JDBC, UDBC, OLE DB, and ADO.NET URLs and connect strings.
The value passed as Server Type must match a {{{[Domain Alias]}}} which is contained in the Multi-Tier Rulebook. This Alias typically represents the name and version of a Multi-Tier Database Agent. You may also create custom Server Types to suit your needs. Be advised, these custom Types must have a corresponding {{{[Mapping Rule]}}}, {{{[generic_xxx]}}} section, and {{{[Environment xxx]}}} section.
== Example ==
ServerType = Sybase 10
== See Also ==