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  • UdaWikiWeb.GlossaryEntryMappingRules(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:06 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:06

    Glossary of Technical Terms

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    Mapping Rules

    The Mapping Rules are the cornerstone of OpenLink security. These rules are set in the [Mapping Rules] section of the OpenLink Session Rules Book. You will also find the Rules in the Administrative Assistant's Session Rules Editor.

    Each Mapping Rule is composed of 7 parameters. They represent domain, database, user, opsys, machine, application, and access mode aliases, respectively. To create a rule, you simply input the appropriate values or regular expressions into the fields which you want to filter. The following rule allows anyone to connect to the backend database:

    *;*;*;*;*;*;* = accept generic_ora8   
    The following rule prohibits user scott from connecting to the backend database:   
    *;*;scott;*;*;*;* = reject generic_ora8   

    The following rule combination allows scott to connect to the database, if and only if he uses Microsoft Access in READ-ONLY mode:

    *;*;scott;*;*;msaccess;ro = accept generic_ora8 *;*;scott;*;*;*;* = reject generic_ora8   

    As you can see, Mapping Rules provide you with a flexible and convenient way to build your security logic. For additional informational on the creation of Mapping Rules, consult your documentation.

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