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  • UdaWikiWeb.GlossaryEntryCommandLine(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:02 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:02

    Command Line

    [1] The first Command Line variable (CommandLine)appears in the [Request Broker] section of the OpenLink Session Rules Book. You may use this parameter to hardcode debug and other parameters, which the Broker is designed to recognize. Run ./oplrqb -? or oplrqb -? to return a complete list. Be advised -- Parameters--which are written into the Rules Book-- will override parameters which are passed to the Broker at startup.

    Example: CommandLine= +loglevel 7 +logfile

    [2] The second OpenLink Command Line variables appear in the [generic_xxx] sections of the Rules Book and the Admin Assistant's Database Agent Settings Form. These variables may take +initsql, +jetfix, or other arguments, which a database agent may recognize at runtime. Run the agent name followed by a -? to determine argument usage.


    CommandLine = +initsql /dbs/oracle/lockmode.sql 

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