%META:TOPICPARENT{name="TroubleshootingUDALoggingTracing"}% ==Generating Connection Logs== Use the following instructions to generate Multi-Tier connection logs. These logs are generally referred to as Request Broker log files. ===Command Line Method (Requires Shutdown)=== # Open an MS-DOS command prompt or Unix terminal. # cd into the /bin sub-directory of your <nop>OpenLink server components installation. # Execute this command: **{{{oplshut -fy}}}** # Execute this command: **{{{oplrqb +loglevel 7 +logfile oplrqb.log}}}** # Recreate the error condition. # Retrieve the log and forward it to Product Support. ===Web-based Admin Assistant (No Shutdown Required)=== # Open your Admin Assistant in a Web browser. # Select "Server Components Administration." # Select "Request Broker Administration." # Select "Edit Request Broker's Parameters (Wizard)." # Enter your Admin Assistant username & password. (Both values default to "**{{{admin}}}**".) # Advance one screen and set "Log Detail" to "DEBUG." # Scroll through the screens to end. # Hit "Save." # Click "Reinitialize <nop>OpenLink Request Broker." # Recreate the error condition. # Retrieve the log and forward it to Product Support. See Also: [[UnderstandRequestBrokerLogLevels|Request Broker Log Levels]]