Gathering Additional Evidence


The CLASSPATH variable contains the path to your client's .jar file. To determine your CLASSPATH setting, take the action which corresponds to your client operating system:

I. Unix Clients
A. Logon to your client. Use your OpenLink user's id.
B. Execute the following command:


C. Record the path returned by the echo command. For example:


D. Forward the output to OpenLink Product Support.

II. Windows Clients
A. Open your client's Control Panel.
B. Click on the System Utility.
C. Click on the Environment tab.*
D. Find your CLASSPATHs in the System and User listboxes. For example:

C:\Program Files\OpenLink\jdk1.2\megathin2.jar

E. Forward both paths to OpenLink Product Support.

Note: If you do not have an Environment tab, click on the Advanced tab. Then, click on the Environment button. Alternatively, look in your C:\autoexec.bat file.