=UDA Error Messages (T)=

[[ErrorMessagesA|A]] [[ErrorMessagesB|B]] [[ErrorMessagesC|C]] [[ErrorMessagesD|D]] [[ErrorMessagesE|E]] [[ErrorMessagesF|F]] [[ErrorMessagesG|G]] [[ErrorMessagesH|H]] [[ErrorMessagesI|I]] [[ErrorMessagesJ|J]] [[ErrorMessagesK|K]] [[ErrorMessagesL|L]] [[ErrorMessagesM|M]] [[ErrorMessagesN|N]] [[ErrorMessagesO|O]] [[ErrorMessagesP|P]] [[ErrorMessagesQ|Q]] [[ErrorMessagesR|R]] [[ErrorMessagesS|S]] [[ErrorMessagesT|T]] [[ErrorMessagesU|U]] [[ErrorMessagesV|V]] [[ErrorMessagesW|W]] [[ErrorMessagesX|X]] [[ErrorMessagesY|Y]] [[ErrorMessagesZ|Z]] [[ErrorMessagesSymbols|#]]

* [[Table x does not exist or cannot be accessed|Table <x> does not exist or cannot be accessed (962)]]
* [[Table does not exist or is not owned by you]]
* [[Table MSysConf does not exist or cannot be accessed]]
* [[Table or view does not exist]]
* [[Table or view name x is in databases y and z|Table or view name <x> is in databases <y> and <z>]]
* [[Table sysdbauth|Table sysdbauth; does not exist or cannot be accessed. (962)]]
* [[Table/View/Synonym not found (7519)]]
* [[CheckConnectionTelescopeError|The 'Check Connection' operation could not be completed because an error occurred when trying to connect to an Oracle database.]]
* [[OBDC ConfigMgrError|The application "ODBC Setup PPC" could not be opened because "ODBC ConfigMgr"]]
* [[ErrorWhileLoadingLibesql92so|The application has failed to start because esql92.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem.]]
* [[The column (rec_serial)|The column (rec_serial) must be in the GROUP BY list. (-294)]]
* [[The connection to the server has been aborted]]
* [[The cursor or statement is not available|The cursor or statement is not available (#404)]]
* [[The database agent is not configured]]
* [[The database agent is not configured for jet]]
* [[The decimal field precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add]]
* [[InstallerFoundNoTazPackages|The installer could not find any packages (.taz) to install.]]
* [[INFORMIXSERVERError|The INFORMIXSERVER value is not listed in the sqlhosts file or the Registry. (-25596)"]]
* [[The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file]]
* [[TheOpenDatabaseTableIsFullIncreaseTheHParameter|The open database table is full, increase the -h parameter. (1415)]]
* [[The OpenLink Request Broker service terminated unexpectedly]]
* [[SetConnectionTimeOutMins|The procedure entry point replace SetConnectionTimeOutMins@CSaRepositoryMgr"  could not be located in the dynamic link library SARP.dll]]
* [[The procedure entry point SignalError|The procedure entry point SignalError could not be located in the dynamic link library jvm.dll]]
* [[ErrorWhileLoadingLibesql92so|The program can't start because esql92.dll is missing from your computer.  Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.]]
* [[TheServerOrTheSystemHasNoMoreResources|The server or the system has no more resources. Please contact Progress Technical Support. (748)]]
* [[TheServerOrTheSystemHasNoMoreResources|The server or the system has no more resources. Try a larger -n.]]
* [[The shared library loader cannot be activated for this process]]
* [[The Shared Memory is Version x|The Shared Memory is Version <x>; Expected <y>]]
* [[The socket name is not available on this system]]
* [[The specified service does not exist as an installed service]]
* [[The specified service has been marked for deletion]]
* [[The specified table msysconf is not in the database|The specified table (msysconf) is not in the database (-206)]]
* [[There is no more available memory|There is no more available memory. (-36100)]]
* [[There is no server for database x| There is no server for database <x>]]
* [[There were errors installing the software]]
* [[JvmDllNotFound|This application has failed to start because jvm.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.]]
* [[CTL3D32DLL which is not the correct version|This application uses CTL3D32.DLL which is not the correct version]]
* [[CTL3D32DLL which has not been correctly installed|This application uses CTL3D32.DLL, which has not been correctly installed]]
* [[This Client is Not Licensed for Remote Connections]]
* [[This evaluation copy has expired]]
* [[This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it]]
* [[This routine cannot be called because another command structure has results pending]]
* [[TNS Already in use|TNS: Already in use]]
* [[TNS Internal limit restricted or exceeded|TNS: Internal limit restricted or exceeded]]
* [[TNS Lost Contact|TNS: Lost Contact]]
* [[TNS protocol adapter error|TNS: protocol adapter error]]
* [[Too few parameters]]