%META:TOPICPARENT{name="RelinkMulti-TierDatabaseAgents"}% = Creating Custom Relink Scripts for Drivers and Agents for Progress/OpenEdge = Custom relink scripts may be needed when our standard scripts are incompatible with your database installation and/or environment. The Progress **probuild** utility enables you to create such custom scripts. # Locate the **buildenv** script, typically found in the $DLC/probuild/eucapp directory. # Ensure that the environment variable settings in the buildenv script are accurate for your system. # Set and export {{{ PROLOAD=$DLC/probuild export PROLOAD }}} # Type the following command at your command line: {{{ $PROLOAD/eucapp/probuild }}} # At the **Install Link Script Into** prompt, enter the full path to your **{{{~/openlink/bin}}}** directory. # Click **Continue**. # Select **ESQL/C Large Client Full** from the product list. # Click **Continue**. # Give your relink script an appropriate name. For example: {{{ ldpro7 ldpro8 ldpro9 }}} # Give the executable to be produced an OpenLink-style Database Agent name. For example: {{{ pro73e_sv pro83b_sv pro91b_sv }}} # Click **Continue**. # Do not specify any special configurable elements. # Click **Continue**. # Locate the database agent object code in the {{{/lib}}} sub-directory of your OpenLink installation. Object code files are named similarly to {{{pro7_sv.o}}}, {{{pro8_sv.o}}}, and {{{pro9_sv.o}}}. # Enter the full path to the relevant Database Agent object code ({{{proxxx_sv.o}}}) under "Object Files.' # Click **Continue**. # Exit {{{probuild}}}. # Repeat the [[RelinkMulti-TierDatabaseAgents|relink process]] with your new relink script.