Use the following instructions to configure an Ingres vnode on Unix and Linux operating systems:
The Ingres native client must connect to the target Ingres database. Use the following instructions to configure your Ingres native client for database connectivity.
1. Login to the Unix machine that hosts your Ingres native client.
2. su to your ingres user. For example:
su - ingres
3. Execute the .profile associated with the ingres user. For example:
. ./.profile
4. cd into $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin.
cd $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin
5. Execute the netutil command.
6. Use the Create option to create a new virtual node.
7. Provide a meaningful name for your virtual node.
8. Select between the Global and Private node options.
9. Provide the username associated with your Ingres database.
10. Enter the password associated with your Ingres database.
11. Re-enter the password associated with your Ingres database.
12. Use F1 or other suitable key to access the bottom menu options.
13. Use the Save options to save your new virtual node.
14. Provide your machine's network address.
15. Provide your machine's network protocol (tcp/ip).
16. Provide your Ingres DBMS's Listen Address; e.g., II.
17. Use F1 or other suitable key to access the bottom menu options.
18. Use the Save option to save your node edits.
19. Use F1 or other suitable key to access the bottom menu options.
20. Use the Test option to test your new virtual node. (Be sure your virtual node is highlighted.)
21. Hit the Enter key.
Type End.