%META:TOPICPARENT{name="PreinstallInformixLiteUnix"}% = Configure the Informix Native Client on Unix-like OS = Use the following steps to configure the Informix native client to connect to the desired Informix DBMS. # Log in to the Informix server host as the Informix user. # Ensure that the Informix environment is properly set. Minimally, {{{$INFORMIXDIR}}} and {{{$INFORMIXSERVER}}} must be set correctly for the target instance. The following command -- {{{ env | grep INF }}} -- should get results similar to these -- {{{ -bash-2.05b$ env | grep INF INFORMIXDIR=/dbs/informix/IDS10 INFORMIXSERVER=opllinux3 -bash-2.05b$ }}} # Execute the following commands exactly as written -- {{{ cd $INFORMIXDIR/etc grep `echo $INFORMIXSERVER` sqlhosts }}} You should get output like this -- {{{ -bash-2.05b$ cd $INFORMIXDIR/etc -bash-2.05b$ grep `echo $INFORMIXSERVER` sqlhosts opllinux3 onsoctcp opllinux3 inf10srv -bash-2.05b$ }}} # There are 4 columns in the output. You'll need information related to each column, though it may not be the value you see there. #* The first column of the output should be the value seen earlier for {{{$INFORMIXSERVER}}}. #* The second column shows the connection protocol supported by this {{{$INFORMIXSERVER}}}, e.g., {{{onsoctcp}}}, {{{ontlitcp}}}. //**NOTE:** If the connection protocol name does not include "tcp," you cannot connect directly to this instance over the network, and you cannot use [[http://uda.openlinksw.com/odbc-informix-st/|our Single-Tier solution]] unless it is being used directly on the Informix server host. You **can** use [[http://uda.openlinksw.com/odbc-informix-mt/|our Multi-Tier solution]], if you can install some OpenLink components directly on the Informix server host. // #* The third column shows the hostname or IP address of the machine on which the Informix server runs. The hostname used here may be short (infhost) or fully-qualified (infhost.example.com); you need to know the fully-qualified DNS-resolvable hostname or the IP address for the client configuration. You can use the following commands to learn the needed value(s) -- {{{ hostname host `hostname` /sbin/ifconfig host nslookup }}} #* The fourth column shows the port name or number for the Informix listener. If it's a name, you'll need to get the port number from {{{/etc/services}}} -- {{{ grep inf10srv /etc/services }}} -- like so -- {{{ -bash-2.05b$ grep inf10srv /etc/services inf10srv 5678/tcp # Informix 10 server -bash-2.05b$ }}} # Log out of the Informix server host, and log in to the Single-Tier client host, again as the Informix user. If you haven't already downloaded and installed the Informix Client SDK, [[http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/download/search.jsp?rs=ifxdl|now is the time to do so]]. # Ensure that the Informix environment is properly set. Minimally, {{{$INFORMIXDIR}}} must be set correctly for the Client SDK, and {{{$INFORMIXSERVER}}} must be set correctly for the target instance. The following command -- {{{ env | grep INF }}} -- should get results similar to these -- {{{ -bash-2.05b$ env | grep INF INFORMIXDIR=/dbs/informix/CSDK10 INFORMIXSERVER=opllinux3 -bash-2.05b$ }}} # Edit (or create, if necessary) the {{{$INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts}}} file and add a line similar to the one you got from the Informix server, along these lines -- {{{ <$INFORMIXSERVER> }}} For example -- {{{ informix_tcp onsoctcp inf10srv }}} //**NOTE:** If you use a service name here, you must also add an appropriate line to {{{/etc/services}}}. For best results, the service name should be the same on both server and client hosts, and it **must** use the same port number.// {{{ inf10srv 5678/tcp # remote Informix 10 server }}} # Save and exit the file.