%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ConfigureTroubleshootDBMSsForDataAccess"}% =Pre-Requisites for Connections to Ingres= ==Basic DBMS & DBMS Version Support== * [[Do OpenLink drivers connect to Ingres?]] * [[WhichVersionsOfIngresAreSupportedByOpenLinkDrivers|Ingres version support]] * [[HowCanIDetectMyIngresDBMSVersion|Detecting the Ingres DBMS version]] ==Database Native Client Requirements== * [[WhatIsTheIngresNativeClient|Understanding the Ingres native client]] * [[WhenDoINeedTheIngresNativeClient|When do I need the Ingres native client?]] * [[WhereCanIGetTheIngresNativeClientAkaIngresNet|Obtain the Ingres native client (a.k.a "Ingres Net")]] * [[HowDoIConfigureTheIngresNativeClient|Configure the Ingres native client]] ==Key Database Native Variables (Set Before OpenLink Install)== * [[WhatValueDoesTheII_SYSTEMEnvironmentVariablePass|II_SYSTEM]] ==Database Native Settings You Need to Know== * [[HowCanIFindMyIngresNodeName|Identify the Ingres node name]] * [[HowCanIFindMyIngresListenAddress|Identify the Ingres listen address]] * [[Identify the Ingres database name]] ==Database Configuration for XA Support== * [[IngresConfigXASupport|XA Configuration]]