%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDASystemIntegrationConfigDocs"}% = Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Linked Server with the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition OLE DB Provider for ODBC Data Sources = # Login to the machine that hosts the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 instance. # Expand the **Start** and **Programs** menu. # Expand the **Microsoft SQL Server 2005** folder. # Launch the **SQL Server Management Studio**. # Expand the menu tree associated with your Microsoft SQL Server instance. # Expand the **Server Objects** menu tree. # Expand the **Linked Servers** menu tree. # Expand the **Providers** menu tree. # Right click the **OpenLink Provider** and set these options: {{{ [*] Dynamic parameter [*] Nested Queries [ ] Level zero only [*] Allow inprocess [ ] Non transacted updates [ ] index as access path [ ] Disallow adhoc access [*] Supports 'Like' operator }}} # Save your changes. # Right click on **Linked Servers**. # Select **New Linked Server**. # Supply the following information on your **General** tab: #* **Linked Server:** //Any name you like.// #* (Check **Other Data Source**) #* **Provider Name:** OpenLink OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers #* **Product Name:** OpenLinkODBC #* **Data Source:** //Valid ODBC DSN// #* //**Note:** OpenLink ODBC DSNs do not store username and password data, so these should be set in the **Security** tab, below.// # This is the minimum information which you must supply. **Provider Name** and **Product Name** must be exactly as shown above. Feel free to engage any server options on the bottom of the tab. # If your ODBC Data Sources requires Username and Password authentication, click to the **Security** tab and review your options. This is the only way to provide user credentials to the ODBC connection. # Click **OK** to create your server. # Exit the Linked Server dialog box and the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. # Open the **Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer.** # Run the following query to test your Linked Server: {{{ select * from OPENQUERY (Your_LINKEDSERVER_Name, 'your SQL query here') }}}