%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesB"}% = Error Message: {{{the broker cannot resolve your request}}} = This error message typically arises when your DSN is misconfigured. To remedy this problem, take the following action: # Use a text editor to open the {{{oplrqb.ini}}} file which resides in the {{{/bin/}}} sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. # Locate the {{{[Domain Aliases]}}} stanza. For example: {{{ [Domain Aliases] Progress 81A = pro81a Progress 82A = pro82a }}} # The Domain keyword of your DSN should be set to one of the left-side values. For example: {{{ Domain = Progress 82A }}} # If none of the existing Aliases is suitable, you can add a new alias to the list, including something custom for your user base, and put that in your DSN. For example: {{{ [Domain Aliases] OurProgressDatabase = pro82a }}} # There should already exist (or you can create) a properly configured Mapping Rule, Agent Configuration ({{{[generic_...]}}}) stanza, and corresponding {{{Environment}}} stanza, which correspond to the right-side value for the alias in your DSN. For example: {{{ [Mapping Rules] pro82a:*:*:*:*:*:* = accept generic_pro82a ... [generic_pro82a] Program = pro82a_sv.exe Environment = PROGRESS82A ServerOptions = -q -d mdy -TB 31 -TM 31 ReUse = never ... [Environment PROGRESS82A] DLC = C:\DLC Path = C:\DLC\BIN;D:\WINNT\System32 }}} # If you have made any changes, save the Rulebook, and stop and restart your Broker. # Test. ===Evidence=== * Request Broker Session Rulebook * Request Broker Log * Request Broker Version String * DSN configuration