%META:TOPICPARENT{name="LicenseTerminology"}% ---++ How do I monitor open database sessions associated with MySQL ODBC connections? %BR% Use the following steps to monitor open database sessions associated with MySQL ODBC connections: %BR% %BR% 1 Login to the machine that contains the MySQL instance. 1 su to the MySQL user. 1 Execute the MySQL user's .profile. 1 cd into the bin sub-directory of the MySQL installation. 1 Execute the ./mysql procedure and pass your username, password and database like so: %BR%
  bash-2.03$ ./mysql -u mysql -pdba -D test
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
1 Type SHOW STATUS; (pre-5.x) or SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; (5.x) to return connection information. For example: %BR%
   -> ;
| Variable_name            | Value     |
| Aborted_ clients          | 11218     |
| Aborted_ connects         | 26620     |
| Bytes_ received           | 207090542 |
| Bytes_ sent               | 767911564 |
| Com_  admin_ commands       | 0         |
| Com_ alter_ table          | 0         |
| Com_ analyze              | 0         |
| Com_ backup_ table         | 0         |
| Com_ begin                | 0         |
| Com_ change_ db            | 0         |
| Com_ change_ master        | 0         |
| Com_ check                | 0         |
| Com_ commit               | 200       |
| Com_ create_ db            | 0         |
| Com_ create_ function      | 0         |
| Com_ create_ index         | 8204      |
| Com_ create_ table         | 11572     |
| Com_ delete               | 333       |
%BR% The Threads_connected parameter shows the number of active connections. Consult the MySQL Reference Manual for an explanation of other variables.