%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ApplyVirtLicenses"}% ---+ Apply License Files for Virtuoso Release 5.x and above, on Unix 1 Use the bash or sh command to open a bash or Bourne shell. (Other shells may be used, but vary widely, so any or all of the following steps may need adjustment.)%BR%%BR% 1 Retrieve your new Virtuoso license file from email or [[ODSBriefcaseLicenseStorage][ODS briefcase]].%BR%%BR% 1 Use binary-preserving methods (e.g., ftp in BIN mode) to transfer the new license to the Unix box, if required.%BR%%BR% 1 Replace any existing Virtuoso license file with the new, or place the new license in your desired location. We generally recommend this location be the bin sub-directory of the OpenLink installation, or /etc/oplmgr/.%BR%%BR% 1 Navigate to the root of your Virtuoso installation, e.g. cd /opt/virtuoso 1 Check the virtuoso-en*.sh and virtuoso-en*.csh scripts, for their setting of the OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable. If necessary, adjust this to include the directory holding the new license file.%BR%%BR% 1 Execute these commands: . ./virtuoso-en*.sh cd bin ./oplmgr +stop ./oplmgr +start 1 Proceed to configure and/or use your Virtuoso installation. The new license should now be active.